Post-viral hypoosmia is the most frequent cause of olfactory loss known today. During the recent Covid-19 pandemic a proportion of patients showed severe and persistent hypoosmia that in many cases was the only sign of infection.
According to recent studies, the alteration of the sense of smell affects about 70% of SARS-CoV-2 patients. A recent multicenter study (Olfactory training is helpful in postinfectious olfactory loss: a randomized, controlled, multicenter study. Damm M, Laryngoscope. 2014) showed encouraging results obtained with olfactory training in the treatment of post-viral hypoosmia.
Olfactory training is performed by training twice a day to smell some essences that correspond to the so-called primary odors that make up the boxes that make up our olfactory receptor. Primary odors are the odorants that our olfactory system recognizes and from the combination of which derive all the olfactory nuances that we can perceive in the environment around us. Primary odors are distinguished in pleasant, neutral or unpleasant and are the essences: fragrant, resinous, fruity, sweet, chemical, citrus, vanilla, mentholated, pungent, burnt and nauseous.

Olfactory training is a safe procedure with no side effects, significantly increasing recovery rates of post-viral olfactory loss especially if done within a few months of the deficit….”


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